It is so long ago that I have forgotten my friend's
name. It might as
well be as the thousand names of Filipino Stewards
are lost now. They
served well in the United States Navy Tradition in
their humble ways. So
that heroes can live their destiny without the menial
Today wherever my friend is, I am sure he will be
telling his kids that
for a few days he was in the same company as John
Glen who depended on him
for few days.
In October of the same year, John F Kennedy came down
to the base to thank
the Navy for the successful Naval Blockade. Historical
interpretation of
Kennedy will be subject to change but he was admired
for not backing down
in the cold war showdown. The October Missile Crisis
was the closest
Americans have come to WWIII. We were too young to
die and we just
starting our Navy career anyway. That year I saw two
great American
A few years later, John Glen political career was put
on hold because he
slipped over a freak accident in his house in Ohio.
It's funny to
speculate that it may not have happened if my friend
was there to make
sure he was safe. He would ensure that John Glenn
concentrated on the
business of just being a hero.
Years later, I saw TV coverage of the Democratic national
convention. John Glenn was one of the
early favorite. His presidential dream slipped away
in the process as his speech was drawn out
in the circus like political arena. In just a short
moment of political
drama. Unfortunately for the Senator from Ohio it
was not as exciting as
going down in his Mercury capsule. If he became president
he would
continue to receive the privilege of the United States
Navy's best
service. The personal service for by dedicated and
trusted staff at the
White House has been a Naval tradition in this century.
A command
Filipinos in the US Navy